We Can Choose

Path in treesIt’s been a week filled with choices, hasn’t it?

Who should make or influence the laws we are asked to live by?
How would we respond knowing our life will end painfully sooner rather than later?
What responsibility will we accept for our actions that hurt someone else?

The questions, the choices, the outcomes – they prompt me to whisper quietly into my soul…What do I think? What do I believe? What choice would I, should I, make?

The bigness of life and its questions can make my heart and my head spin sometimes.
You too?

It’s in those moments that I remember that so much of what happens around me is out of my control. The choices of others carried a stronger voice or had final say. Or it was not my place to share my voice. Sometimes that’s a good thing. Other times, I shake my head and wonder what if.

But…there are so many things that I can control.
Like how I want to live. What I want to feel and think and influence.

And that’s where my heart takes me this week.
What I choose today—in my own decisions and in responding to the decisions of others…
Those choices will create my tomorrow.

I am filled with gratitude that choices are mine to make.
Life doesn’t happen to me.
Life happens because I make it mine.

On the bad days and the good days.
I can choose how I will respond.
To the big deal things. And the annoyances.

This makes me want to make sure I am thinking and breathing and debating and learning and considering and choosing well.

Isn’t it something?
We. Can. Choose.

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