Getting to know him

It took one phone call to know I wanted to get to know Steve better.

I made notes after that call—writing down what he was reading (“The Russia House”), his interests (baseball, jazz, philosophy, and books), and what was important to him (his faith, family, and social justice). More notes were made after he picked me up for our first date – his life experiences, lessons learned, friendships that were important to him. My sister’s first impressions were quickly scribbled on a scrap of paper—Steve seemed kind, easy-going, courteous, friendly. And he was handsome.

Twenty-two years later I still love getting to know this guy I eventually married. And the scraps of paper with those important “findings” from those early days are tucked away in my keepsake box.

During my prayer times recently, I’ve felt God asking me how serious I am in deepening my relationship with Him. It’s a question that encourages me, challenges me, and scares me a little.

As I’ve thought about His question, I’ve been reminded of the work I put into getting to know Steve better in our dating days. I listened so carefully to everything Steve was telling me about himself. I loved just listening to him talk. I’d get home and write down the things I wanted to remember or ask him more about later. Our conversations would fill my mind for hours after they’d ended.

It has caused me to ask myself…

How serious am I about getting to know God more deeply?

I know in my heart of hearts that I desire to know God…deeply.  But am I really studying what He says? Taking notes about our conversations? Asking Him what He needs from me? Anxiously preparing to meet with Him…showing up, ready for a dialogue? Am I developing, nurturing, and making this relationship my #1 priority?

My thoughts today aren’t intended to provide you with suggestions for living a richer faith-based life.
Today I’m writing as a woman on a faith journey that is sitting on a question.
Will you join me in considering this…

“How serious are you about getting to know God more deeply?
Do you actions and priorities reflect your commitment?”

More to come as we walk together in this journey called life.

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