Don’t Think So Hard: Just Do It

2The lady with the easy laugh standing next to me chuckled and said…
Your feet are flat on the ground, Gaye. You don’t have anything to worry about.

We were watching a few of our fellow campers from The Alley Church Retreat navigate across the high cable. Well actually, I had to turn away because looking up at them swaying in the wind made me a bit nervous.

Oh. My. Word.
To say I was impressed with their courage and strength is putting it mildly.
These ladies were amazing!

And once they climbed up the pole and shimmied across the cable, they of course needed to get back to the ground.
And how did they do that?
They sat on a 1’x3’ platform. Folded their arms across their chest.
And then rolled off.

Yeah. Rolled off.
The harness they were in gently swung them to the ground.

High-rope-fall-offDid I say?
Oh. My. Word.

The guy in charge made it clear:
Once you sit on that itty bitty platform and cross your arms, roll off right away.
Because if you think about it too much, it will get very difficult to actually do it.

The symbolism in that wasn’t lost on me.

It describes part of my faith journey.

When God gives me clear direction, and it involves doing something scary, or if I don’t feel qualified, my natural tendency is to think about it. In great detail. For a long time. Because thinking about it keeps me from actually doing it—keeps me from rolling off.

And the more I think about what He’s calling me to do, without actually doing anything about it, the more I convince myself that I’m not ready. Not good enough. Not strong enough.

And then I question God’s direction. {I should really know better.}

And then Obedience can turn into Disobedience.


The ladies who braved the high wire last weekend showed me what faith and obedience can look like. How they work together. They created a learning moment and inspired me to be braver. To be obedient in the moment.

Those ladies are my heroes for the week.

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