My Computer and a Firm Foundation

Firm foundation blogMy computer is having a really horrible day.
No, make that a really horrible week…or two.

It seems to get very excited about synching. All the time. I don’t even know what that means except that it slows everything down. A lot.

And spamming. Good grief. My Inbox is filled with messages about what White Kidney Beans can do for me, Luma Candles, and Walk-In Bath Tubs. Scores of them. All the time.

It’s time to call in my best friends at the Geek Squad and I start making the list of what is frazzling my computer brain.

But instead of writing synching and spam, I write…
Sinking sand.

And that reminds me of the Bible story about building your house on a firm foundation instead of sinking sand so that when the storms come it doesn’t all wash away. {I love that story.}

Now I’d like to believe that it’s because I’m so spiritually-minded that even computer problems are framed around Biblical lessons. Not so much. I think I was just overly-tired and overly-frustrated and my brain wasn’t connecting on all cylinders. But! The connection between synching spam and sinking sand isn’t lost on me.

It turns out that my computer has all the right tools in place. The foundation is solid. But there was one little connection that was out of whack. One of the tools wasn’t connected to the right Inbox. So because I wasn’t using the tool, it didn’t help me one bit. I wasn’t building on the foundation available to me inside the computer.

Just like life.

I can have all the right tools in my faith foundation. My Bible. Church. Journals. Fellowship. Books that strengthen and encourage my faith life. They provide Support. Firmness. Security.

But if I don’t do something with them — connect with them — they are simply tools. And they don’t do me any good if I don’t use them.

The foundation is there, but I have to build on it.

And that’s when things work better.

So, back to the computer woes…
The fabulous Agents at the Geek Squad got my computer almost fixed. It’s working better, but I’m still so over reading about White Kidney Beans.

Like my life. Building on my foundation by actually connecting with my tools is going to have a few nail gun mishaps and incorrect measurements.

But I’m building.


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